The Faculty of Medicine Council Held Their Seventh Meeting For 2019

The Faculty of Medicine council held their seventh \’\’ 2019\’\’ meeting on Wednesday 19/8/2019 at the Libyan International Medical University, at the Hall of National Unity.

The meeting was chaired by Dr. Jamal Al-Talhi, Dean of the faculty and members of the faculty Council, as they discussed the progress of the work in general and the faculty\’s agenda was also discussed , which included several points, including:

Electronic correction and to start working on activating electronic exams.
– Review the work of the education and examination committee.
– Reviewing The five year faculty strategy, which will end in September 2020 and working on the preparation of the next five year strategy.
– Preparing for the new school year.
– A report on what has been achieved by the Curriculum Development Committee.



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