Third Year PharmD Students Conclude their Final Exams

Third year students at the Faculty of Pharmacy concluded their final exams for the academic year 2018/2019 with the Clinical Skills exam, which was held in the form of Objective Structure Clinical Exam (OSCE).

The exam stations included practical applications for the development of treatment plans or specific uses of certain drugs using electronic tablets. This aims to enable students to use well-known, reliable applications to perform required tasks. Using simulation lessons, students were trained during the academic year on the implementation of such tasks that are considered an essential part of the pharmacist job. Moreover, students were trained for clinical skills related to the six blocks constituting the third-year curriculum. The Faculty of Pharmacy adopts modern and interactive learning strategies such as problem based learning and team based learning methods. Faculty students are evaluated using assessment methods used for the first time in Libya\’s Pharmacy faculties such as Objective Structured Practical Exams (OSPE) and (OSCE).

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