The faculty of dentistry always strives for continuous development and so on the 14th and the 15th of September, 2022 we will host Dr. Abdouldaim Ukwas, BDS (Hons), LDS FDS (RCSEng), PG DipDCS (Lon), MClinDent (OS), PGCert ClinEdu (Lon), PhD (OM), FHEA Senior Clinical Teaching Fellow Division of Maxillofacial Diagnostic, Medical and Surgical Sciences The Lastman Dental Institute University College London London, UK. On Wednesday Dr. Abdouldaim will give lectures to faculty members (under the title) undergrad dental education and postgrad dental ducation. On Thursday he will allocate time for intern doctors and students to give lectures entitled: Principles of Oral Diagnosis and the Relevant Aspects of Systemic Diseases and Medication: A Clinical-Case_Based Approach and Principles of Evidence-Based Practice in Dentistry. Dr. Abdouldaim will also give a talk about membership exams, fellowship and career progression. The lectures will be compulsory for full time faculty members and attendance for part time faculty members is highly recommended . The schedule of lectures and the rest of the activities in these two days will be attached with this announcement.